I came to a startling realization today. I went to college...suffered through endless boring lectures...busted my butt to make grades, went through a rigorous 4 week training period for my job...all to become a professional doorman.
Let me explain. Outside my window (seriously...I look like an exhibit at the zoo...I sit facing a window all day. I'm tempted to put a plaque in the corner of my window that says "Katieus Varoffius. Mammal. Nocturnal, though forced to work through the day. Prefers diet coke, kraft easy mac and fruit snacks. Please don't bang on the glass. It angers her." Anyways, I digress...) Back to my window. Outside of it is a door...with a sign that clearly says "Exit Only." Its what we "in the biz" call an exit only door. More simply broken down...it means you can't freaking re-enter through that door.
Once upon a time...back when dinosaurs roamed the earth...this door allowed you to both go out AND COME BACK IN. Two years after that fact changed, a million poorly worded emails explaining this, and a big freaking sign on the door that says "Exit Only" later...apparently people haven't completely grasped the concept. Or they just don't give a shit. I prefer to think its the latter.
Once upon a time...back when dinosaurs roamed the earth...this door allowed you to both go out AND COME BACK IN. Two years after that fact changed, a million poorly worded emails explaining this, and a big freaking sign on the door that says "Exit Only" later...apparently people haven't completely grasped the concept. Or they just don't give a shit. I prefer to think its the latter.
Let me preface this by saying...there are some people I don't mind letting in...I like them. I know they would return the favor for me if they had my sweet cubicle. That being said...some days aren't bad...if I can manage to stare blankly into my computer screen and look cranky, most strangers will come up to it, yank on it a few times, and look confused before walking off and leaving me alone. However, some days when the employees of this building have meetings or appointments elsewhere...this door becomes the bain of my existence. Newsflash...I know this is hard to grasp...but I don't get paid to sit at my exhibit...I mean window...and open the door for you even though you read the same emails I did that clearly stated...don't ask to be let in...walk around the building.
If I wanted to be a greeter, walmart has some pretty sweet insurance and a blue vest I could wear....I would have applied there. This might seem petty, but after two years of this shit, I'm getting pretty stinking tired of opening that damn door.
Attached is a picture for your viewing pleasure. I think its pretty straight forward. Glass door. White letters. Written in the english language. (And yes, that is me in the reflection. Hi kids!!)

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