-Don't worry...you''ll grow out of that awkward teenage state...well...kind of. You'll understand what I'm talking about eventually. But the point is...you'll still like nerdy things...you'll just care less about what other people say about you.
-College is fun. Really really fun. So fun, in fact, you'll seriously worry about the shit your kids will get into after knowing what you did. I'm only 25 and I still am concerned.
-Speaking of college...be kind to your liver. They're not kidding when they say don't mix your alcohols...you'll learn this lesson the hard way. Several times. And it will only get uglier the older you get.
-Boys never really change. Sure they get older...but they're still gross...and kind of stinky...they just learn how to conceal it from you better.
-You need to quit worrying about assholes. Sorry. But its true. They're always going to be assholes...you just eventually figure out that you don't need people like that in your life.
-Stop worrying about how many friends you have...and focus on the ones who would take a bullet for you. You'll find out the hard way that sometimes when you're surrounded by tons of "friends"...they'll let you down the most. You will go through rough times...and it sucks. There is going to be points where you feel like you're totally alone. Don't worry. You're not. And you'll be stronger for feeling that way. Just take a deep breath...drink some wine (oh yeah, you'll become a wino!!) and let it go.
-You will realize time moves way too fast. And bad things happen. It sucks. And it hurts. And you will lose people you really care about. Those will be some low points. But it will teach you a lesson. You will learn to savor the moment. Life will become less about the bars/clubs/parties, and more about laughing til you cry with friends, and knowing you're blessed.
-Learn lessons from the people around you. Not everyone has to be just like you. In fact...some of your friends will be pretty different from you in some areas...but thats good. They'll reign you in when you begin to spin off into your own orbit. And by the time you cruise into your mid twenties, you'll feel like you have the best friends in the world. They're the people who will hop on a plane at the drop of a hat to be with you. Or the ones who see ugly magnets in Florida...and automatically think of you. They're some pretty cool people. You're lucky.
-Lets talk about love. It won't happen like in the movies. You won't meet his gaze from across a crowded room...and instantly know. It will actually be a crowded bar you first meet him in. And once you get to know him...he'll scare you. He's different. But don't run. Relax and let him love you. It will be the best decision you ever make.

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