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Friday, July 22, 2011

Driving...according to Katie.

Micheal doesn't like to ride with me. He says I yell too much, I'm too defensive, and that I'm "going to get us shot and killed." That's a pretty bold statement from someone who's job is primarily on the east side. Maybe I am a wee bit aggressive...and maybe I did inherit some of that "Russian Temper." However, the fact remains that there are some shitty drivers out there.

I don't think its so much the "drivers" that bother me...I think its the driver's habits. A few of the following scenarios are my favorite:

The "Hurry up and get to the four-way-stop so that I can beat you" Guy- We all know this guy. They're the people that pause a zillion feet back from the stop sign and then fly into the intersection with a smug look on their face. I hate you. Along those lines is the "hurry up and get to the four-way stop so that I can beat you and then go really slow" guy. Working close to the hospital like I do...there is an abundance of older people. This is one of their favorite moves. There is nothing I love more in this world than getting trapped behind a 15mph senior-mobile. I know this is ugly. And I know it will be me one day...but for right now...I age about 10 years override I drive home from work.

Next is the "erratic driver." Hey kids...guess what...there's this neat-o control on your car called cruise control. Learn it. Love it. Use it. This person is famous both in town and on the highways. Their speed usually varies 15-20 mph within a 1-2 mile range. For the love of all that is good in this world...use your cruise control. These people are especially fun to get behind on 2-lane highways. Because they're usually the people that as soon as they sense your intention to pass off at the speed of light. They make me crazy.

My personal favorite is the "I'm a princess, so I drive in the left hand lane whenever I feel like it." In the state of Texas, if you are caught driving in the passing lane on the highway for an extended period of time, they can give you a ticket. Does this deter people? Nooooo. I firmly believe that unless you get in the left hand lane to slow down and make a left turn on a cross street...I as a driver in the right hand lane should NEVER be going faster than you. Its called the passing lane for a reason, ding dong. The most frustrating incidence of this is when the stars align and this person meets up with the person in the right hand lane, and goes their speed. This creates a "parade" effect because NO ONE can get around either one of them. There has been more than one occasion that this has made me consider keeping candy in the car to throw at people like I'm the main float in a parade.

This has been a super duper informative lesson in driving by Katie. Next time we will cover WalMart etiquette. :)


  1. LOL!! My philosophy is I get half of the rode, if I want to take it out of the middle - I WILL!!! hahahaha.....great blogging.

  2. My husband is a princess laner. Drives me freaking crazy!
