In my opinion, this toothbrush joins the ranks of other "dubious" toys. Which include, but are not limited to:
Homeless American girl..."there's a new kid on the block: Gwen Thompson, who literally lives on the street. Gwen's story starts with a deadbeat dad who walks out on the family, leaving her single mom struggling to get by"

And my personal favorite...Harry Potter Vibrating broom..."Well, this was one way to keep Harry Potter fans interested as they grew up. Modeled after Harry's first broom, Mattel's now discontinued battery-operated Nimbus 2000 featured a grooved stick and handle for kids who wanted to ride it around the house. The dubious part: it vibrated."
For the full list, and to see where I got the descriptions of the toys...please visit http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1927306_1927313_1927315,00.html